Tuesday, February 16, 2010




Our noon luncheon for Wednesday, February 17th will be held at Italiano’s restaurant, 4801 North Lincoln in OKC. Jenni White and Julie McKinzy will be our speakers this week. They recently founded the organization, Reform Oklahoma Public Education (ROPE). They will talk about the agenda and objectives of the organization as well as discuss their recent trip to St. Louis to attend Donna Hearn’s Education Policy Conference. I believe that conference it the best event in America when it comes to a conservative perspective on education.


The first ever Oklahoma Liberty Conference will occur this coming Friday and Saturday, February 19th and 20th. The location will be the Metro Tech Spring Lake Conference Center, 1900 Spring Lake Drive in OKC. The hours are 9:00 a.m. till 9:00 p.m. on Friday and 9:00 a.m.
until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. There is a very minimal cost of $6 in advance or $8 at the door to attend one or both days of the conference. Sheriff Richard Mack from Arizona will be the key note speaker and will be speaking 5 different times during the conference.
There is an additional cost of $12 to hear Sheriff Mack speak with that money going to a fund to purchase bullet proof vests for Oklahoma county sheriff deputies.

Following is the tentative list of speakers, times and subjects, Friday the 19th:


9:15 to 9:50 Kirk Shelly
10:00 to 10:50 Thomas Kiene & Matt Pinnell (GOP Activist training) 11:00 to 12:00 Sheriff Mack
12 to 12:40 Lunch
1 to 1:30 Mark Lerner (Real ID)
1:40 to 2 (Oath Keepers)
2 to 3 Sheriff Mack
3 to 3:50 Citizen Involvement (OK-SAFE)
4 to 4:20 Legislative Matters
4:20 to 5 Alan Cobb (Americans for Prosperity) 5:20 to 6 Kenneth Rice (Socialism and why it doesn’t work)
6 to 6:40 Dinner
6:40 to 7 Oklahoma Second Amendment Association
7 to 8 Sheriff Mack
8 to 9 Oath Keepers


9:20 to 10 Kenneth Rice Reasons for the numerical order of the Bill of Rights 10 to 10:50 citizen involvement (OK-SAFE)
11 to 12 Open Time Slot
12 to 12:40 Break
1:40 to 1:30 Kirk Shelley
1:30 to 1:40 break
1:40 to 2 legislative matters
2 to 3 Kenneth Rice (What is the free market?)
3 to 3:50 Catherine Bleish (Liberty Restoration Project) And John Bush of Texans for Accountable Government
4 to 4:20 Jenni White of ROPE (do you know what your child is
4:20 to 5 Thomas Kiene & Cheryl Williams GOP precinct activist training
5 to 5:20 break
5:20 to 6 Mark Lerner (Real ID)
6 to 6:40 Dinner
6:40 to 7 legislative matters
7 to 8 citizen involvement (OK-SAFE)
8 TO 9 Thomas Kiene & Cheryl Williams GOP precinct activist training

Saturday Morning the 20th


9:10 to 9:50 Kenneth Rice (exposing rules for radicals) 10 to 10:50 Senator Randy Brogdon
11 to 12 Sheriff Mack
12 to 12:40 lunch
12:40 to 1 R.J. Harris
1 to 1:50 Thomas Kiene & Cheryl Williams GOP precinct activist training
2 to 2:40 State Representative Charles Key 2:40 to 3 legislative matters
3 to 3:50 Sheriff Mack
4 to 4:50 Kenneth Rice reasons for the numerical order of the Bill of Rights


9:15 to 9:45 Senator Steve Russell
9:45 to 10 Catherin Bleish (Liberty Restoration Project) 10 to 10:50 citizen involvement (OK-SAFE)
11 to 12 Mark Lerner (Real ID)
12 to 12:40 Lunch
12:40 to 1 Legislative Matters
1 to 1:30 State Representative Jason Murphey 1:30 to 1:50 John Bush (Texans For Accountable Government)
2 to 2:50 Kirk Shelley
3 to 3:50 Catherine Bleish & John Bush
4 to 4:50 Stuart Jolly (Americans for Prosperity)

As you can see there are a lot of options as many of these presentations will be given at different times so people can have choices around their schedules. There is some very important information that will be disseminated at this conference, so make every effort to attend.

+ SATURDAY - OKC - This past week the city of Oklahoma City
declared nearly 700 acres in the core to shore area as blighted for the purpose of eventually using eminent domain proceedings to take people’s property, partly for public use, but for the most part so some other person or entity can own it. Many of the business owners in the area met with city officials before the MAPS III vote last year and they were told they would be able to make their own deals with developers and that eminent domain wouldn’t be used. Now these business owners realize what a bunch of LIARS the bunch at city hall happen to be with the exception of Councilman Brian Walters, the only decent person on the Council in my opinion.

Mr. Louis Morgan, owner of City Carbonic called me this past week for opinions about how to proceed as far as standing up for their property rights. One of the things they plan to do is band together in their fight and as a result there will be a meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday the 20th at his place of business, Southwest 4th and Hudson. Using eminent domain for the proposed park which was voted on in MAPS III is a proper use of such. However using it to take one person’s property so that another person can own it is EVIL and totally contrary to the principles upon which this nation was founded as described in the Declaration of Independence. If you can attend this Saturday, please do so to support these property owners.


Tim’s funeral will be next Monday, February 22nd, 10:00 a.m. at the Bridge Assembly of God Church on Highway 152 in Mustang. The internment will be at Rest Haven Cemetery in South OKC. Following the internment a dinner will be served at the Bridge Assembly of God Church with everyone welcome to attend. In lieu of flowers you may make contributions at any branch of the Chase Bank to the Tim Pope Memorial Fund. Since Tim recently had to declare bankruptcy, so those funds will be very helpful for his family.

I look forward to seeing everyone this Wednesday.

Charlie Meadows

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