Monday, June 15, 2009

June 9th Issue



Once each year, following the end of the legislative session, OCPAC
members participate in formulating the Oklahoma Constitution
Newspaper’s Conservative Index. Every Republican lawmaker received
instructions on how to participate by submitting legislation which
should be used in the Index. They were also invited to attend this
week’s meeting to debate whether or not bills submitted clearly
reflect a conservative or liberal position. In the past we have had as
many as 15 lawmakers attend the meeting which is always informative
and usually a lot of fun.


OKC AREA This Wednesday morning June 10th the local Business and
Professional chapter of the John Birch Society will hold their final
meeting before a 2 month Summer break. The Speaker will be Larry
Waters from Dallas. Mr. Waters is the Vice President of the Birch
Society and has served in many positions since joining the staff in
1967. He will discuss the movement toward a police state as a result
of the recent elections. He will also discuss the explosive growth of
the Society, which has come about because of the current environment
as well as the ever more trusted information and positions the Birch
Society has taken and taught over the past 50 years. The documented
evidence taught by the Society about the direction with which America
has been moving has been remarkably accurate. The location is the
Character First Training Center, 520 West Main in downtown OKC.
Breakfast is served at 7:15 and the meeting will start at 7:45 a.m.
Breakfast is served buffet style and is $6.00. Reservations not
needed, just come on down as the fellowship is great and the meetings
are informative.

TULSA AREA Also on Wednesday, at 12 noon the Tulsa County
Republican Men’s Club will have State Representative John Wright as
their speaker. The location is the Hong Kong Restaurant, 7315 South
Memorial Drive. Representative Wright will give a run down of the
legislative session just completed and then talk about his decision to
become a candidate for Lt. Governor. I would suspect the club will
also invite the other Lt. Governor candidates sometime in the


FIRST The 4th annual Reclaiming Oklahoma for Christ Seminar will
occur on Friday evening July 24th and Saturday morning on the 25th. I
hope you will put this on your calendars and try to keep these dates
open. We had a great turn out last year and we expect the attendance
this year to be near capacity. The location will again be on the
campus of Oklahoma Christian University on Memorial Road. I will give
more details on speakers and times when it gets closer to the event.

SECOND The 10th Annual Freedom 21 National Conference will be
held August 13 through the 15th in Midwest City at the Reed Conference
Center. This will be the first time the State of Oklahoma has hosted
the conference. The conference is sponsored by the American Policy
Center and Freedom Inc. They are joined by 16 other co-sponsoring
groups, including Eagle Forum, Freedom Advocates, Ed Watch, Committee
for a Constructive Tomorrow, Sovereignty International, American Land
Foundation, Stewards of the Range, OK-SAFE, American Heritage
Research, Gun Owners of America, Camp American, National Center for
Constitutional Studies, Institute for Principled Policy, Liberty
Coalition, Constitutional Alliance and The August Review. These 18
organizations form a loose coalition dedicated to advancing the
principles of freedom in the 21st Century.

According to their press release, most of the issues we face today can
be traced back to international policy, specifically Agenda 21 and its
policy of Sustainable Development - a top down government control
operating through non-elected regional governments and planning
boards. The entire agenda is based on enforcing climate change policy.

Freedom 21 connects the dots from Agenda 21 to federal policies, like
energy, air and water. Then from federal policies the dots connect
further to state legislatures and policies like the Trans Texas
Corridor (NAFTA SUPERHIGHWAY) and immigration. Then they go further to
local policies affecting city counsels and county commissions as they
deal with Smart Growth and development. There’s more to the agenda,
including the radical changes in our public education system and the
growing threat of a big brother surveillance society. The theme for
this year’s conference is “THE GROWING AMERICAN TYRANNY AND HOW TO

Some of the speakers will be former presidential candidate Chuck
Baldwin, Oklahoma State Senator Randy Brogdon, Larry Pratt (President
of Gun Owners of America), Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key
(a leading force behind the states’ rights and sovereignty movement),
Marc Morano (expert on the fraudulent global warming movement),
Missouri State Representative Sam Rohrer (an expert on Real ID and the
creation of an international ID card), Dr. Jeff Marrongelle (an expert
about the governments attempt to take over personal choices on health
care), Tom DeWeese (outspoken advocate on property rights) Michael
Shaw (on Sustainable development), Dr. Michael Coffman (expert on the
concept of global governance) Michael Chapman and Dr. Allen Quist (two
of the nation’s leading experts on the educational crisis), Judith
McGeary (sounding the alarm on the National Animal Identification
System-NAIS), Mark Learner (an expert on an International ID
system),Craig Rucker (trains students to fight back on college
campuses), Dan Byfield (an expert on the Trans Texas Corridor), Pat
Wood (editor of The August Review, revealing underground efforts to
attack and damage freedom groups beyond the Missouri MAIC report and
the Department of Homeland Security report) and Amanda Teegarden (on
state and local activism).

As you can see, with such a large line up of quality speakers from all
over the United States there is quite an expense for the 3 day
conference just described. However there is a $50 early bird discount
for those who register by June 15th. In addition, for Oklahomans, if
you eat all of your meals on your own you may attend all the speeches
for only $90. I also believe there is a student discount for the
speeches of only $45. For the discounts you must act by June 15th. To
see the full conference schedule and to register log on to: Or call the American Policy
Center at (540) 341-8911.


In last week’s e-mail when I addressed both the killing of the
pharmacy robber and the killing of Dr. Tiller the baby killer, I
thought I might be stepping into a crossfire. My instincts served me
well as I had a huge response to the e-mail, mostly siding with my
thoughts on the issues, though I had several who disagreed.

I believe one of the biggest problems with the people in America today
is that we respond to situations and people on an emotional level. We
have allowed Oprah Winfrey, Disney animal programs and etc. to shape
us into emotional softies, making knee jerk decisions based on how we
feel about particular situations.

One of those disagreeing with me asked this great question: Charlie do
you feel emotions when you see an aborted fetus? I absolutely do. I
feel sorrow, sadness and anger. The question is not about whether or
not we have emotions, as God made us to be emotional beings. The
question is whether or not we will allow our emotions to rule over us,
or will we keep them in check when we need to make decisions. Will we
develop our thought processes and submit them to the mind of Christ so
we use facts, truth, and reason to make decisions or will we be moveed
based on our feelings. I would suggest, the more we do the latter, the
more trouble we will create for ourselves, our state and nation.

One person wrote to me about the pharmacy killing and indicated he was
forced to agree with my perspective. He said with his heart he was
with the pharmacist but with his mind he believed there needed to be a
fair trial according to the rule of law. I believe that well describes
where I stand in this situation.

One more thing, I stated that the killing of Tiller would probably
hurt the movement to change the hearts and minds of people on the
abortion issue. I received an e-mail from the director of the
Crossroads Ministry in Guthrie who agreed that the killing would
probably do harm to our movement. One of the things she informed me of
was that the killings of unborn or nearly born babies would continue
at the clinic in Wichita. In fact one of their young staff members
called the clinic last year in an attempt to find out how they
operated. Once they determined she was interested in a late term
abortion, she was advised that they would send her a calendar of the
schedule of the various Doctors who would be working on which days, in
case she had a preference as to whom she wanted to perform her

On a positive note, through their ministry efforts they just had a
mother give birth after she had originally come to the clinic for
abortion help. Once they got the expectant mom to look at the ultra
sound and see her unborn baby, she changed her mind. They also had
their first set of twins born, again an expectant mom and boyfriend
who came to the clinic looking for abortion services. Through
counseling, the young man made a commitment to the mom and the babies.
In the pro-life movement, these are called SAVES.


Just a few short years ago President Obama was an obscure Senator and
today he has perhaps the highest name identity of anyone alive
anywhere in the world. His meteoric rise to power and fame is largely
due to his personal charisma, ability to connect with people on an
emotional level, as well as a willingness and ability to lie, deceive,
speak out of both sides of him mouth and especially take advantage of
an ignorant and dummied-down society. Citizens who will never be
properly informed by Obama‘s liberal minions in the main stream press.
Wow, I sure feel better after getting that off my chest.

On the President’s first “apologize for America tour,” a couple of
months ago he said something interesting while in Turkey. He said: “We
do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a
Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are
bound by ideals and a set of values.”

I would suggest that 75 to 80 percent of Americans who profess to be
Christian might disagree with the President on his characterization of
our nation. Though I will say, much of what calls itself Christian
does not have enough evidence in their lives for such and if put on
trial for being a Christian they would probably not be convicted.

However, what I really want to focus on is the last part of his
statement that we are a nation of citizens bound by “ideals and a set
of values” My question of the President would be, from whence did
those values and ideals originate? From the deep recesses of your
mind? From some of your liberal and Communist influences? From your
flighty mom or your Muslim dads that didn’t work out? Or was it from
your more recent father, your spiritual mentor, the Rev Jeremiah

Truth is, the values and mores of any society will ALWAYS be a result
of the dominate religion of the society. The laws of any society will
also be influenced in varying degrees by the dominate religion of a

During the election process I would cringe when people would say Obama
was a Muslim. According to research by Dr. Jerome Corsi, Obama was
probably enrolled as a Muslim while in school in Indonesia. However,
in recent years he has been a “professing” Christian. However, anyone
reading the Bible and allowing it to define what is real versus what
is false would probably agree that Obama is anything but a Christian.

On his most recent “apologize for America” trip he suggested America
was one of the largest Muslim nations in the world. Rather than the 7
million Muslims he suggest were in America, the figure is probably
closer to 3.5 million, just a little over 1% of our population. He
also talked about the many historical accomplishments that have come
from Muslims and how much they contribute today.

I wonder to which historical Muslim accomplishments was Obama
referring? Was it to Mohammed’s wars, death and pillage which gave
rise to the religion? Was it the Muslim raids on the caravans over the
trade routes, which must have been the example for the Muslim pirates
which raid ships off the coast of Somalia today? Or perhaps it was the
trip the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who met with Adolph Hitler during
World War II? Was a contribution of thousands of Muslim men in NAZI
uniforms fighting along side Hitler’s German soldiers in their attempt
to eliminate the Jews and bring Europe under German control?

Me thinks the President is historically ignorant or perhaps he is just
deceiving again. As I have observed the President, I would suggest he
is hostile toward the principles of Christianity (supports abortion,
homosexuality, lying, abusing private property rights and etc.). He is
also hostile toward the values of the Torah and I would suggest is
doing all he can to pressure Israel into putting its very survival at
risk. I don’t believe Obama is a Muslim, but I believe he is very
friendly toward Islam. I would suggest President Obama is much like a
Marxist, a humanist capable of appealing to any religion if it will
further his goals of changing America to his set of ideals and values.

I look forward to seeing everyone this Wednesday

Charlie Meadows

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